Pimple Inside Nose – How to Get Rid, Causes and Prevention

While only a pimple on the surface of your skin is never welcome, pimple inside nose can be more annoying, uncomfortable, and even painful. Usually the pimples grow on the tips and wings of your nose, nasal septum, nasal passages and nasal floor which located near the lower lip. Once the pimple appears, you will gradually notice the increasing redness of the skin and feel hurts when you touch the soft tissue.

In some other cases, severe inflammation due to pimple even can cause high body temperature, headache, and other general intoxication symptoms. There will be also a strong pressure on the nose tissue which leads to severe pains.

Pimple Inside Nose

Looking on the symptoms above, means a proper curing and prevention is highly needed to avoid any worsen or unpleasant results. In this article, you can learn the causes of pimple in nose and how to get rid then prevent it.

What Causes Pimples in the Nose?

Our skin is covered with pores look like tiny openings which become hair follicles houses. Under the skin surface, these pores produce oil from gland called sebaceous gland. The oil is known as sebum that helps soften your skin and hair. However, overproduction of keratin will block the skin pores with extra oil and dead skin cells causes the glands to harden lead to the growth of pimple on your skin.

Teenagers in their adolescence or when the hormone fluctuate, their skin tend to produce excess sebum that make pimple easily grows. Emotional stress, food sensitiveness, nutritional deficiencies, poor diet, poor digestion, yeast overgrowth, or candida that trigger hormone fluctuate can cause pimple not only on the visible area but also inside your nose.

Some kids who like to pick their nose with dirty hands or fingernails are very likely to introduce bacteria which causes bacteria inside nostril can grow to cause inflammatory. Yet, some people who also don’t understand well try to squeeze the pimple that only end up aggravate the infection. Bacteria is also often the main cause of the inflamed pimple which lead to infection such as folliculitis (nasal vestibulitis) or the worse nasal furuncles that cause cellulitis, a rapid skin infection spread to bloodstream.

How to Get Rid of a Pimple in Your Nose

1. Steam

Steam will help open and relax pores in the skin so it can be more easily to be cleaned. In this way, your skin can breathe so all the dirt, sebum, and bacteria which cause inflammation of pimple inside nose can be taken away. Follow these steps to get rid of this pimple:

  • Wash your face with facial foam thoroughly with room temperature water to remove your make up, oils, or any dirt on your skin. Never steam before cleaning your face.
  • Fill in a saucepan or pot with water and put it on the stove. Wait until the water is boiled and release fair amount of steam.
  • Stand and hold your face over the pot for about 5-10 minutes, so the steam can enter your nose. Breathe deeply while relaxing your body to enjoy the effect of the steam. The steam will help to soften the skin around the pimple.
  • Drape a towel over your head and the pot to create like a tent to trap the heat from steam inside. If you have sinus problems or other respiratory issues, this spa treatment ways can also help to relieve it.
  • After you feel enough, lift your head and take off the towel.
  • Press the pimple gently with cotton swab to release oil and trapped dirt.
  • Use a new cotton swab to apply a small drop of tropical oil on the popped pimple four times to prevent further inflammation or infection.
  • Last, wash your skin with cold water to let the pores closed.

You can do this treatment no more than once or twice a week because over-steaming can eventually dry out your skin which lead to over production of oil due to lack of moisture in the skin.

2. Leave it Alone

Rather than using some topical or oral medicine with unknown result, actually leaving the nose pimple alone is the best way to do. Why? Sometimes an aggressive way on handling or popping this pimple can cause spreading of the infection which also happened on regular pimples on your face skin.

You just need to simply keep the affected area clean and also pat it gently while drying out. By leaving the pimple alone, your body will commonly get rid of the infection when the pimple has ripped.

3. See a Doctor

Common pimples may work to be eliminated through treatment above, but if you get pimples which look like worse than common one, you should prefer on talk with doctor. Doctor will help to diagnose your pimples better and how to take a proper action with it.

  • First, doctor will ask some question to know the symptoms like when you notice the pimple, how the pimple looks like in the first time and how it changed, or what kind of symptoms you felt.
  • Next, doctor will do some physical exam of your head using imaging studies such as MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or CT (computed tomography) to identify the signs of infection which cause the pimples growth inside your nose.
  • Sample of the fluid inside the pimple or your blood may also take to test the bacteria type. A bacterial infection of the pimple is commonly treated with prescribed antibiotic such as bacitracin or mupirocin.


The simplest way to prevent pimples in nose is by avoiding picking your nose frequently, especially avoid it when your hand or fingernail is dirty. Blowing your nose too hard isn’t also recommended because can hurt your nose. By preventing irritation inside the nose, so the possibility of pimple growth will be less.

If you experience nose pimple, make sure not squeezing it because some of the pimple can be bacterial infection which might spread and lead to more serious issues. Ensure to meet your doctor if you feel the pimple get worse. Last, prevention is number one so always keep the hygiene of your hand if you want to pick your nose.

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