Hyperpigmentation Acne – How to Get Rid (Treatment) & Causes

Hyperpigmentation acne is more known as the post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. This is a condition where your skin will have red or dark spots on them after you have the acne for several days. This is not attractive to see and many people avoid it for sure. Causes The inflammation occurs when the acne lesions...

Does Sugar Cause Acne? Here is The Truth

Sugar and other sweet tooth are all nice things that can be eaten. But we can also say that sugar is the ones that make little pimples and acne comes. We come to the point of this post, does sugar cause acne? The short answer is yes. If you ask why, we will explain...

Does Biotin Cause Acne? Here Are the Facts

Consuming more vitamin will help you in fulfilling your body’s needs. However, there are some of the vitamins that cannot be consumed more since there are some effects about it. One of them is biotin which is also known as B7 and Vitamin H. Some say that by consuming biotin leads to acne and...

How to Use Castor Oil for Acne & Scars Effectively

For you who have problems with acne, castor oil for acne might be something that really makes you curious. Actually, there are many kinds of remedies for acne. One of the best remedies that people usually use is the castor oil. The use of castor oil has been actually famous since the time of...

Does Milk Cause Acne? Here is The Truth

You can stop your acne if you can control your supplies. It might the common phrase when you are in looking for the way of getting rid of problematic acne on your face. Yes, food might be the main cause of acne. Actually, there are some food that might be avoided. On the other...